Top 5 skincare mistakes for all skin types

Top 5 Skincare Mistakes

Posted by DelRae Cicinelli on

Have you succumb to the 5 biggest skincare don'ts? Care is vital to all parts of our body and being. Sometimes lack of care inside, shows itself externally. Here's how to avoid permanent damage, and prevent future breakouts. 

#1 Picking your breakouts 

I know, this is a hard one. Picking a breakout can cause more damage than the satisfaction is worth, and sometimes it cannot be repaired. Squeezing a pimple might feel like a relief, but if you're successful in the pop a few things have happened. First, you're spreading the bacteria to surrounding areas, causing additional breakouts (don't want that!). Also, by pressing into the blemish you are damaging the skin surrounding it, leaving you with hyperpigmentation (dark spots) and scarring (in some extensive cases pitted skin). My advice, if you want to pick, choose ice instead. The ice won't aid the breakout in going away; however, it will help to eliminate the itch, and any inflammation that may be occurring. 

#2 Sleeping with your makeup on 

Washing your face before bed is extremely important. Leaving the days pollutants, excess oil, sweat, makeup, and other dirt and grime you encounter on your skin causes a dull appearance, increased breakouts, aged skin, inflammation and in some cases infections. 

#3 Thinking you have the incorrect skin type 

Oily skin people this one is for you. Did you know that your skin might be over producing oil because you aren't applying enough moisture? I see so many of our clients that are fooled by there skin, believing they have oily skin, when it is actually dry. They avoid putting moisturizes on because they don't want to add to the oil, but you're actually causing an imbalance in the skin. Ensure that you have a healthy balance of oils and moisturizers in your routine to aid the skin!

#4 Only applying sunscreen in the summer 

Summer is a reminder of the heat waves and damages that can come with the sun. However, those damages occur year-round. The UVA and UVB rays know no season, and reek havoc on your skin even when it seems blissfully cool outside. Whether you stick to an at home skincare regimen, or seek professional services for your skin (or fall somewhere in between) all of your efforts for good skincare are out the window without SPF. 

#5 Inconsistency 

A consistent skincare regimen is the key to results. Washing your skin, treating it, moisturizing and protecting it is supporting the skin's natural process. When you aid the skin by washing away pollutants and irritants, treat it by restoring lipids to the skin to boost collagen and elastin, moisturize the skin to regulate its oil production, and protect it from environmental factors through SPF or repairing products at night, results will follow with consistency. If you are not consistent the skin will compensate where it is lacking, and that increase in oil may cause breakouts, collagen and elastin production won't be supported and you'll see a dull and aged appearance. 

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